Healing the emotion illness- the other illness of the heart is more challenging. And what about the spiritual illness?

Many American’s are in denial. They refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem with their health, particularly their heart health. Honesty about our heart health is essential if we want to be well.
November 21, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Our hearts want to be connected. They need to be connected. Discovering an “open heart” is essential for preventing heart disease. Medical Research by Dean Ornish, M.D. has proven the benefits of open heart living.
October 9, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Do you want to live a life free from Heart Disease? Would you like to have someone you love reduce their chances of having heart disease. Are you interested in heart disease prevention?
If you answered "yes" to either of these two questions then you should consider adopting the Mediterranean Diet.
Medical ... Read More
September 14, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
The Mediterranean Diet has been shown to be extremely beneficial in preventing heart disease. The Nurses Health Study showed that following a Mediterranean Diet could dramatically reduce a woman's chances of having heart disease.
August 29, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
America is overweight. It's easy enough to see. But did you a know a Big Belly puts you at risk of dying.
August 16, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
You want to lose weight. You want to quit smoking or exercise more, but your habits are keeping you from making these changes. Is it possible to get different results and not make changes in life style habits.
August 8, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Hearts can be broken. We all know this. Most of us have had our heart broken by a relationship that has fallen apart. Our hearts can be broken by illness. If a person’s physical heart is damaged, it also affects them emotionally and psychologically. We ... Read More
July 25, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Modern life is filled with stress. Lifting our heart can be a way to reduce damaging stress. Lifting means opening and expanding. You can indeed lift your heart with these simple steps.
July 18, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
An old saying used to be, "No one ever died of a broken heart." Now medical science has proven this to be untrue. You can indeed suffer a serious heart problem because of a broken heart. In fact, a broken heart can be lethal!
In the last 10 years medical research ... Read More
June 8, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman