What motivates you? I know what motivates me. And sometimes its easy to be motivated to make changes in your health lifestyle. Other times it is difficult.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about doing the things your body needs to be healthy. Why is it so difficult to make ... Read More

Vertigo. A spinning sensation has been troubling me for 3 weeks. I woke up in the middle of the night and it was like someone had placed me on a merry-go-round. I had an acute viral vestibulitis. My inner ear had become inflamed, and it was affecting my balance.
I couldn't ... Read More
May 16, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Laughter can be good for your heart health. Medical studies show it can even prevent a heart attack. If you haven't laughed in a while consider checking out Chris Rock's movie, "Death at a Funeral."
May 9, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
A viral vertigo struck me this week. It made me think about how life can be an incredible learning experience.
May 2, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Hearts are made to soar. They are destined to fly. Do you know what I mean?
A few years ago, I saw woman in my cardiology practice (identity changed but a true story) who was caught in an incredible rut. Fear dominated her life. She was afraid to move past what ... Read More
April 28, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Patience is a virtue. We've all heard this phrase. Many people say it in response to some difficulty or troubling event. But patience is more than just a virtue, it is a powerful medicinal for healing the heart.
April 25, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Sugar is bad for your heart health.
Ah, this should come as no surprise. We've all been told this. But a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA 2010;303:1490-1497.) confirms what we all knew deep down. Sugar isn't good for you.
A lot of sugar is very bad ... Read More
April 22, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Just back from vacationing in Florida. We left Michigan's cold weather for a few days in the sunny confines of Orlando. Vacations are like a medicine. They can be a real medicine for the heart.
We often think that medicine is a pill that we take, but medicine- something that can ... Read More
April 18, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Our hearts need nourishment. They need to receive the proper ingredients for becoming well. We need to follow the proper diet but we also need to give ourselves what we need emotionally and spiritually.
April 13, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Even when the inevitable is staring us in the face, loved ones have trouble letting go. It's normal. It's natural to think someone will live forever, should live forever. But they don't. Everyone dies. Our health care system needs to address this question- "When should ... Read More
April 6, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman