Your heart needs to be healthy. It needs to be healthy so that you can move and live in the way that you want.
Normally, when we think of our heart health we think only of our outer heart–the physical heart. All of us know that our physical heart is important. ... Read More
Category: Heart Disease Prevention Diet
Is stress making your life seem more and more hectic? Perhaps it’s causing your performance to lag at work, leaving you feeling exhausted at the end of the day? Tuning Into Your Heart is a skill that can help you begin to overcome your stress.
May 28, 2012Dr.Kirk Laman
How Long will You Wait to Start Reducing Your Stress. Learn techniques for getting started.
December 11, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
Healing the emotion illness- the other illness of the heart is more challenging. And what about the spiritual illness?
January 14, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
Many American’s are in denial. They refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem with their health, particularly their heart health. Honesty about our heart health is essential if we want to be well.
November 21, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
Our hearts want to be connected. They need to be connected. Discovering an “open heart” is essential for preventing heart disease. Medical Research by Dean Ornish, M.D. has proven the benefits of open heart living.
October 9, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman
The Mediterranean Diet has been shown to be extremely beneficial in preventing heart disease. The Nurses Health Study showed that following a Mediterranean Diet could dramatically reduce a woman's chances of having heart disease.
August 29, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman