Tag: stress relieving techniques


"Can you help me doc? I' Feel so stressed out?" She wanted help with a real heart condition. Learning how to connect more deeply to her heart was the answer to her prayers. Learn how to connect to your heart. Get the stress relief you ... Read More
August 21, 2020Dr.Kirk Laman


Acceptance can be a powerful stress busting technique. Richard Carlson has said, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." We need to acknowledge that sometimes we can't change the events in our life. We have to just accept our life the way it is- in that moment.
July 7, 2020Dr.Kirk Laman


Our hearts want to be connected. They need to be connected. Discovering an “open heart” is essential for preventing heart disease. Medical Research by Dean Ornish, M.D. has proven the benefits of open heart living.
October 9, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman


Do you want to live a life free from Heart Disease?  Would you like to have someone you love reduce their chances of having heart disease.  Are you interested in heart disease prevention? If you answered "yes" to either of these two questions then you should consider adopting the Mediterranean Diet. Medical ... Read More
September 14, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman