We all want life to be easy. But life can be filled with stress. Malcom Gladwell in his book Outliers- suggests we need to spend some time getting good at becoming successful. We need to to do this if we want to overcome stress.
Dr.Kirk Laman
Is stress making your life seem more and more hectic? Perhaps it’s causing your performance to lag at work, leaving you feeling exhausted at the end of the day? Tuning Into Your Heart is a skill that can help you begin to overcome your stress.
May 28, 2012Dr.Kirk Laman
Stress can be overwhelming. It can lead to a Dark Night of the Soul. Luckily you can find a light at the end of the tunnel.
February 10, 2012Dr.Kirk Laman
How Long will You Wait to Start Reducing Your Stress. Learn techniques for getting started.
December 11, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
What is Stress? Stress is an overreaction by our bodies. A simple skill for dealing with stress is to become aware of how stress manifests in your body.
October 27, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
Life sometimes gets in the way of Life. What do I mean by that? Sometimes we get so busy, that we don't seem to have time for anything but running. As I write this on a Friday night after having my computer crash. Spending hours loading software, recreating files, etc.
It ... Read More
April 15, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
We live in a pill society. People want a quick fix. They don't want to walk, do yoga, or change their eating habits.
Mostly they want a pill to keep them well.
Yet, Illness didn't come from a pill. For the most part people are ill because of what they eat and ... Read More
February 20, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
People want to be well. Overcoming such trauma requires digging deep. You have to dive in, head and heart first
February 8, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
Healing the emotion illness- the other illness of the heart is more challenging. And what about the spiritual illness?
January 14, 2011Dr.Kirk Laman
Many American’s are in denial. They refuse to acknowledge that they have a problem with their health, particularly their heart health. Honesty about our heart health is essential if we want to be well.
November 21, 2010Dr.Kirk Laman