What Exercise Can You Recommend that Doesn’t Involve Exertion?
Life has causes and effects. What we do matters, particularly when it comes to our health care. Recently, I had a patient who saw me in the office with significant risk factors for heart disease. He was a diabetic and his blood sugars were very out of control.
I had to chuckle when his wife asked me, “What exercise can you recommend that doesn’t involve exertion?”
Her question wasn’t that far off from what many people expect concerning their health. We’d all like to get results without suffering any pain. Ours is a generation that is averse to pain or discomfort. We like fast food, instant service, and immediate results.
Having to struggle or endure unpleasant feelings to improve out health isn’t something we like to do. I’ve had many people who want to continue eating beef and pork, foods known to create heart disease and then wonder why they have a heart attack.
What can be done to encourage people to take responsibility for their own health? I don’t have an answer. Sometimes difficulty or pain is the best teacher. When people experience a heart attack or are fearful about losing a loved one- sometimes this is enough to get them to change.
For now, all I can do is continue to share the best medical advice possible to the people who wish to become well.
November 26th, 2007
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