Breaking Through the Rocky Layers

Our hearts have layers and layers of anguish. When something in life troubles us, often we hold onto it. These negative feelings and experiences accumulate like rust in our hearts. All of us have these layers of struggle and pain.
The good news is that you can break through the layers of sorrow and fear. You can scrub away the rust.
One easy way to do this is the bring the- Ahhhhh breath into the heart. Learn to connect to your heart and as you say, Ahhhhh. Love pours inside.
Recently, one of my relatives was struggling with severe family issues. She had been trying to control the situation, move life in a direction it didn’t seem to want to go. It was like she was pushing against a giant rock that had lodged inside her heart.
A mountain of emotional hardness incapacitated her. Paralysis left her sad and overwhelmed.
We sat together. I had her place her consciousness inside her heart.
Next, I had her say Ahhhhh. She let it flow down into her heart. We continued for fifteen minutes. The release came in the form of silent sobs. Salty wet tears inched their way down her cheeks.
Just fifteen minutes left her feeling better. The rock wasn’t gone but it was smaller.
Now she could cope.
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