A Life Preserver for Your Heart

Anxiety can shock the system. It can pummel and paralyze us. It’s all too easy to feel angry or frustrated when life doesn’t go the direction we want it to go.
My take on the root cause of anxiety is just this: we want life to be how we want it. If life doesn’t comply anxiety kicks it.
One way to move past anxiousness is to learn to live more from the heart. The key is to learn how to connect more and more to our hearts on a regular basis.
Quite frankly, it’s the hardest part of getting a handle on anxious feelings. I’ve discussed earlier that “our heart know.” By this, I mean that your heart and mine have an organic sense of peace and calmness. It’s embedded into our DNA. But it lives beneath the outer part of our emotional heart.
Yes, you have a physical heart. You also contain an emotional and what can be called a spiritual heart.
It’s the inner knowing that lies deep inside all of us. Tapping into this inner calmness is the key to living free from anxiety.
But it takes time- time to unblock the negative emotions and feelings that keep us from getting in touch with this inner place of tranquility.
I suggest setting aside 15 minutes each night to calm yourself and connect to your heart. I’ have a free Heart Connection Meditation that can help. https://www.drkirklaman.com/courses-2/
It’s the repetition that is essential. You won’t get good at tennis, running, or any important activity without regular practice.
It’s true of the heart connection process. It’s vital to be still and go to your heart.
Bath your heart with the “Ahhh” sound of relaxation.
The more you practice the more you’ll find anxiety being pushed into the background of your life.
Think of it as a life preserver for your anxious heart.
Why not give it a try.
Just a thought from the WholeHearted Cardiologist.
Peace and blessing,
Kirk Laman
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