Consistency- The Most Difficult Part of Keeping Healthy
Why is it so hard to be consistent? Why is it so hard to do the things you know you need to do.
You know what I mean. Over the past 2 years I had lost about 40 pounds. Then gained some back.I know the trouble. I can control what I eat 4-6 days a week, but on 1-2 days I eat things I shouldn’t.
My guilt maker is sweets. I don’t go completely overboard, just not enough consistency to keep the weight where I want it.
Consistency it seems is the key to many things. Building a business…health…keepin fit. The movie, Julia Julia really made me think about this. How did that woman write a blog everyday.
Why is it sooo difficult to remain consistent?
My answer, I’d love to hear yours… is Self-Gratification. It seems that many of our bad choices are coping mechanisms. I reach for sweets on the day’s I’m over stressed. I choose not to exercise on the same days. Some day’s I don’t have an overwhelming reason not to eat… except wanting to be healthier.
Having 10 extra pounds around isn’t much of an issue for me. I don’t have heart disease, joint disease and I exercise regularly and feel good. But for people who have serious problems: diabetes, heart disease, obesity… I would think they would have the motivation to curb this backsliding.
Yet, it seems even harder for people who have these problems. (Obviously, this is why they have them)
I think we all have to find an overwhelming motivating reason to stop a bad habit and be consistent. And then daily, hourly, minute by minute remind ourselves why we want to do a thing.
What do you think?
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