Is anxiety choking you, snuffing the life out of your existence?

Is anxiety choking you, snuffing the life out of your existence?
It can do that.
Anxiety can constrict our breath, jumble our thoughts, and make moving through life seem overwhelming. Medical studies have shown that anxiety can have a damaging effect on our heart health. It can lead to chest pain, palpitations, and a racing heart. Often, its effects can send people scurrying to the Emergency Room thinking they are having a heart attack.
In fact, anxiety can indeed cause a heart attack. So, you don’t want to ignore feelings of chest pain or excessive racing of your heart.
But help exists.
For over twenty-five years I’ve been teaching people a powerful technique called Remembrance, to help them calm and uplift their hearts.
It’s a quick and easy skill to learn and we offer it free. No gimmicks. You can download it here.
It’s based on the ancient Sufi Meditation practice for connecting and expanding the heart. You don’t have to change any beliefs. You don’t have to join any organization.
It’s an organic skill that when utilized can calm your heart and help you dispel your anxiety.
I’ve taught this skill to hundreds of people from all backgrounds and faiths.
The idea is to learn to connect to your heart and flood it with love. The love that lives inside you can loosen the noose of anxiety that is choking your life.
Peace and Blessings,
Dr. Kirk Laman
The WholeHearted Cardiologist.
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