You Can Get There From Here
Are you looking for peace in a work gone crazy? Sometimes it feels like there’s no hope. Life seems to be spiraling out of control. Our own lives can seem that way.
Most of what people want comes down to a sense of peace in their lives. They may define it as happiness, contentment, or security. Yet, frequently this boils down to inner peace.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a road map to find your way home to this place?
I like to tell people that they can indeed get there from here. There are ways, avenues, roads, and highways for reaching what we seek.
For me the path of Sufi Remembrance is that highway. It’s something I’ve written about- but more importantly it’s something I’ve lived directly. Remembrance of our true nature- that we are deeply, sincerely- a drop from the ocean of our creator.
Not HIM/HER but made in that pure image, created to be able to find our way back to that source.
It doesn’t have to be difficult. But it does take a willingness to let go of preconceived ideas and sometimes even our learned beliefs. And my experience isn’t the only valid experience.
Many avenues- methods, paths, roads to this return are available.
What does it take to begin feeling this peace?
1. Find a path that resonates with your heart.
2. Be willing to let go of any preconceived ideas of what we think is truth
3. Commit to spending 20-30 minutes everyday to doing the ritual that will lead you back to an open, peaceful heart.
4. Be patient. It may take awhile for your heart to become at peace.
5. Seek a teacher who has traveled the road before you.
In my experience this has produced results in the vast majority of people.
It can be done.
You can get there from here.
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