Life’s Mytery is Like a Horse Kick to the Head
I see many people with heart disease. Sometimes its hard for me to understand how they let themselves get to the condition they are in.
But then I see my own frailties. I see at times my lack of will power. When I’m tired or down, its easy to eat uncontrollably. Or to sit like a slug on the couch and vegetate on TV.
So when I see a person of 400+ pounds who has an leg that looks like something I can’t really describe on this blog, and I wonder “How did they let themselves reach this point?” I can only marvel at life’s mystery.
Life is a mystery, a glorious, unpredictable, unfathomable mystery. Herein lies its beauty. You can’t figure out life by reason. The heart doesn’t know reason. Our heart’s know the momemt. What Dave Mathews calls- “The Space Between.” Life is a space between reason and emotion. Between easy and overwhelming.
Yet, its mystery will jolt you like an amazing horse kick to the head. Knock you on your butt till you see more than stars.
You’ll see yourself lying in a hospital bed, four times your normal weight, one leg dying…Your whole life in jeopardy because of wrong choices.
The horse who knocked you on your behind can’t be found- not by you anyway.
When you see such a person all you can do is shake your head and thank you God that he has looked favorably on you.
Work hard to deal with them compassionately. Look past any judgement you might have and see their frailties. Recognize that perhaps only providence has allowed you to be healthy.
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