Tapping into Your Heart for Health- Happiness
Our heart holds the key. It holds the key to health, particularly emotional and psychological health.
Our heart also knows the answers to what we need. Many people have written about this phenomenon- that the heart has a great intelligence. But it is more than mind’s intelligence. It is wholistic. It is beyond understanding.
How else can we explain how a mother knows when something has happened to her child.? How do “gut feelings” always guide us to the right thing to do?
Heart intelligence defies understanding. The Mystical Sufi’s say that that the divine cannot be contained by the mind. Only the heart can contain and know the Divine.
So how can we tap into this heart intelligence. How can we gain access to the wisdom and true understanding of the heart?
I’ve written before about the Sufi Practice of Remembrance. It is an ancient, powerful technique for cleaning the heart, making the heart a vessel that can come to house the holy.
On a more practical tangent, the Heart Math Institute offers another way to tap into the heart’s intelligence. Google “Heart Math” and you can go and review many scientific studies that substantiate the hearts intelligence and wisdom. They also offer a technique for “tapping into the heart wisdom.”
You can also begin journaling and listening to your own heart. Here’s a practical way to begin.
1. Find a quiet place, away from distraction.
2. Slow your breathing, take a breath in and out, deeply 3-4 times.
3. Let your awareness begin to move into the heart region. Take you thoughts and place them in the heart. (It sounds silly, but can be done. Just as you can put your awareness on any part of your body. Place your awareness in the heart region.)
4. Breath deeply and while your focus is contained in the heart region, ask your body, heart, your God to reveal wisdom or give you guidance. Then listen carefully. Trust the first thing that comes into the mind.
5. Write down what you feel.
I’ve used this meditation sucessfully for many people. You can also look at the technique of Practicing Remembrance found in my books or other venues.
Use this technique 4-5 times a week for best results.
Tapping into your heart is possible. You can come to know the peace you desire.
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